Getting Started with Git and GitHub

Section 1: Intro and Git

Section 2: GitHub, Merging, and Branching

Section 3: Set up Git and GitHub, Clone a Repo, and Make a Commit

In the following steps, we will set up Git on our computers, cache our GitHub credentials, clone a repo, and make a first commit! We only need to do steps 1-4 once, so once you’ve completed them, you can skip them in the future and jump straight to step 5.

Step 1: If you don’t already have one, create a GitHub account and verify your email address.

Step 2: If you haven’t done so, email or Slack your user ID to Henrik, Kert, or Pravin so they can add you to the Berry Consultants GitHub team.

Step 3: Step up Git on your local computer.
a) Verify that you have Git version >= 2.0 on your computer

git --version

If Git is installed, you’ll get a message like “git version 2.xx.x (Apple Git-128)”. If not, download Git here.

b) Set your Git username by typing in the terminal:

git config --global "yourGitHubusername"
git config --global # to confirm that it worked correctly

c) Set your commit email address
Find your GitHub noreply email by following these instructions. Then, type into the terminal:

git config --global ""
git config --global # to confirm that it worked correctly

Step 4: Cache your GitHub credentials in Git (more detailed instructions here).
a) Test that the credential helper is installed by typing into the terminal:

git credential-osxkeychain

If you get a message like “> Usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>”, it’s installed. If not, type brew install git into the terminal. If you don’t have homebrew, install it at, then type brew install git into the terminal.

b) Tell Git to use osxkeychain credential helper by typing:

git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain 

c) Last, create a personal access token on GitHub by following these instructions. Save it in a safe place (like LastPass or another password manager). You’ll use it like a password when performing Git operations over HTTPS.

Git and GitHub are now set up! Since steps 1-4 only need to be done once on each computer, you won’t need to repeat them. Now you’re ready to clone your first repo!

Step 5: Clone a repo
Navigate to the folder where you’d like to keep the Berry Simulation Library repo. Make sure it’s not already a git repository by typing the following into the terminal:

git status # should tell you are not in a Git repo. if not, move out of the repo
git clone # HTTPS address for this repo

You now have a local version of this repo on your machine.

Step 6: Push your first commit!
Add a new file to the repository, named with your initials (e.g. yourinitials.txt) by typing the following into the terminal:

cd Shared-Trial-Simulation-Library/testcommits/ # move into testcommits directory 
touch your-file-name # create a new file named yourinitials.txt 
git add your-file-name # stage your new file using its file name (yourinitials.txt)
git status # check the status of your new file
git commit -m"pushing my first commit to the Berry Code Library!" # commit with message
git push # push your additions to the remote repository

Congratulations! You’ve set up Git, GitHub, cloned a library, and pushed your first commit to a GitHub repo. You’re ready to explore all the great tools Git and GitHub have to offer! Check out your personal dashboard, follow some of your Berry colleagues, or create a new repo.

Setting up Git, GitHub, and Making your First Commit: Summary


Section 1: Intro and Git

Section 2: GitHub, Merging, and Branching