Dr. Cora Allen-Savietta

Cora builds useful statistical tools to solve real problems. Designing innovative clinical trials at Berry Consultants

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Statistical Scientist at Berry Consultants

Data Science Projects

Reconstructing Ancient Evolution from Modern DNA
In her dissertation work with Professor Cécile Ané at the University of Wisconsin Department of Statistics, Cora is developing software to uncover ancient evolutionary history from modern DNA. Her open-source phylogenetic network estimation software is available as part of the Julia package PhyloNetworks.jl.

Delivering Actionable Data-Driven Policy Recommendations
Lead analyst for a study of the University of Wisconsin’s MD PhD training program. Used a variety of multivariate generalized linear mixed effects models and creative visualizations to deliver actionable, data-driven insights. Paper now available at Journal of Women’s Health: Gender Can Influence Student Experiences in MD–PhD Training

Identifying Geographic Health Disparities from Registry Data
Lead analyst for a spatial analysis of breast cancer incidence and survival using generalized additive models, multiple imputation, and variable width smoothing techniques at the University of Wisconsin Department of Epidemiology.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Allen-Savietta C, Ané C. Phylogenetic Network Structure Identifiability from Concatenated Genetic Sequences. In preparation to submit December 2020.

Heffron AS, Braun KM, Allen-Savietta C, Filut A, Hanewall C, Huttenlocher A, Handelsman J, and Carnes M. Gender Can Influence Student Experiences in MD–PhD Training. Journal of Women’s Health

Fischer MA, Allen-Coleman C, Farrell SF, Schneeweiss S. Stakeholder assessment of comparative effectiveness research needs for Medicaid populations. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research

Bateman BT, Huybrechts KF, Maeda A, Desai RJ, Patorno E, Seely EW, Ecker JL, Allen-Coleman C, Mogun H, Hernandez-Diaz S, Fischer MA. Calcium channel blocker exposure in late pregnancy and the risk of neonatal seizures: A cohort study. Obstetrics and Gynecology

Bateman BT, Hernandez-Diaz S, Fischer MA, Seely EW, Ecker JL, Franklin JM, Desai RJ, Allen-Coleman C, Mogun H, Avorn J, Huybrechts KF. Statins and congenital malformations: a cohort study. BMJ

Polinski JM, Kesselheim AS, Frolkis JP, Wescott P, Allen-Coleman C, Fischer MA. A matter of trust: Patient barriers to primary medication adherence. Health Education Research

Conference Presentations

Allen-Coleman, C., Gangnon, R.E. Simultaneous Clustering and Ranking of Small Area Health Outcomes Using Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Mixture Models. Contributed presentation at the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics January 2020

Allen-Coleman, C., Ané, Cécile M. Illuminate Evolutionary History with Phylogenetic Networks. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August 2019

Allen-Coleman, C., Ané, Cécile M. Estimating Evolutionary Rates Efficiently in Phylogenetic Networks. Presented at the Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference in May 2019

Allen-Coleman, C., Gangnon, R.E. Simultaneous Clustering and Ranking of County-Level Health Outcomes. Contributed presentation at the Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting in March 2019

Allen-Coleman, C., Gangnon, R.E. Making Ranking Priorities More Explicit. Contributed paper talk at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August 2018

Allen-Coleman, C., Trentham-Dietz, A., McElroy, J.A., Hampton, J.A., Newcomb, P.A., Gangnon, R.E. Geographic Location and Mortality after Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Presented at the Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting in June 2018